By popular demand I chose to write a little more this time. Below I have assembled a list of top 10 Nykerk family traditions. I realize I may have left some out but these are just a few that popped into my head.
10. Sucker tree The only thing that could have made the sucker tree any better is if it was associated with a carney game. Upon pulling the sucker with a painted stick you win a prize. Knowing grandma everyone would probably be a winner.
9.PunchI could go one for days about specific food/drink items on the list such as, candied apples, turkey on buns, ice cream and strawberries, meatballs, etc. One of my favorite Christmas staples is the punch. It’s a showdown between the sherbet recipe and the raspberry one. I’ll give the edge to the sherbet one based on of course tradition. I’m confident that drinking a glass of either will give you a nervous twitch from all the sugar, but sometimes you just have to push through the pain.
8.Summertime at the beachThe awesomeness of this tradition can be summed up with a number, that number being 11. It represents the 11 secret herbs and spices which season none other than Colonel Sanders legacy that is Kentucky Fried Chicken. Of course tumbling down the hill at Tunnel Park and replacing the taste of KFC with sand is great too.
7. Wearing corny sweaters to holiday eventsOver the past three Christmas seasons I’ve gone out of my way to scavenge the women’s section of Goodwill for the ultimate in corny holiday attire. Lansing has a location which is accurately dubbed the Goodwill Emporium, needless to say it’s got some gems. I became rather excited when a formal competition was announced this past Christmas. My bubble definitely burst upon concluding that Keith and I were the only participants, well you’ve all got 9 months to step up your game in ’09. Let it be known, if you’re arms aren’t burnt out from flipping through racks of clothes after venturing to a 2nd hand store, you have failed.
6.Girls v. Guys Pictionary The old school Nykerk brothers are priceless when it comes to this competition. While their livelihood is a form of art and they can both paint, carve wood, etc. not one ounce of this talent translates to Pictionary. There’s one reason for this oddity……pressure. Folding under pressure is an understatement, flip over an hourglass next to either one of them and they’re bound to have a coronary. Which reminds me of the Portland airport fiasco, but we won’t go into that.
5.Bowling on thanksgivingIt’s a shame that so few Nykerks participate in this tradition, although understanding, given the older patron’s dependence on naps. The bowling competition has become rather stiff ever since Big Jim went to the “league.” So if you ever plan on joining in on the fun, bring the A game. Oh and for the record, bowling shoe rental is a scam and I demand reparation.
4.Hunting for Easter basketshere’s a throwback. I enjoy checking out old photos of this Easter tradition. It’s cool to see how things have changed since the late 80’s. The hideous fashions really stand out in the pics along with the size of our pine trees (lack there of). No one is too old to enjoy candy, so I don’t understand why this event was disbanded. Maybe it’s for the best on account of the diabetes.
3.Christmas gift exchangeWhile a copious number of gifts throughout the years may have been duds, it’s all about the spirit of giving. Some recent highlights include Bill receiving a fashion t and necklace, as well as Big Jim choosing his own binoculars, after spending 1/3 of the party going home to fetch them.
2.Christmas bingo There has been a number of memorable white elephant gifts unwrapped during bingo over the years. A few classics include: the bass, toilet paper, the poo pen, the painting, etc. Every year you can plan on Chad attempting to bend the rules by playing 3+ cards; as well as my mother proclaiming that “the tumor in benign.” I have come to ponder why there are always strictly girls prizes left 2/3 way through the game; I guess the guys are gonna have to start adding prizes to the pot, or learn to love lotion and candles.
1.Grandma's cookies/caramelsStep aside Mrs. Fields, these delectable one bite cookies are the perfect mix between holiday flair as well as sweet and savory goodness. They’re the only cookies I could eat double digit quantities of without feeling bad about myself. The caramels aren’t bad either. Mad respect to Brenda and Jenny for keeping this one alive.
Honorable mentions: Chad leaving events prematurely, Aunt Carol fitting 37 presents into a box with 6 square feet of space, the Hamburgers arriving fashionably late (those spontaneous cow blockades will really throw a monkey wrench in your plans).